Catalog Number:
Object/Specimen Description:

Bone awls or perforators. One measures approximately 13.2 cm long and 0.8 cm at its widest point. This awl tapers to a very pointed tip at one end and is flat at the opposite end. The other awl measures approximately 11.2 cm long and 2 cm at its widest point. One side has been cut off exposing the hollow interior of the natural bone. This awl also tapers to a point.

Specimen Count:
Precise Locality:

Southwestern United States

US Southwest (NM, AZ, UT, NV)
Collecting Locality:
North America, United States

Many different animals besides humans use tools, but making such diverse and specialized tools is a trait characteristic of our species in particular. These skills separate humans from other primates. Prehistoric tools were made from many different types of materials, including stone, wood, animal bones, and antlers. Eventually modern humans learned how to make tools out of metals like copper and iron. Early tools come in many varieties, including points for spears and arrows, axes, sinkers, atlatls, digging sticks, knives, drills, scrapers, awls, and others. Tools allowed humans to become skilled hunters and fisherman. Prehistoric humans also used stone tools to help them perform daily activities. Tools like axes, scrapers, and awls were used to process animal kills for food preparation and to turn animal hides into clothing. Prehistoric humans also used tools to work wood and plant materials into shelters. By using tools, humans exerted some control over their environment and were able to influence and change it. This allowed them to live in more diverse climates and spread throughout the world.

Humans have always manipulated their environment, whether by acquiring food, making and using tools, or other aspects of daily life. They are constantly interacting with their environment on a daily basis. By using the available materials, humans have created shelter, made tools, created containers and vessels, and produced items of personal and cultural significance. Many of these resources are naturally occurring, such as stones, minerals, animal bones, or organic fibers from plants, while others are made from combining materials. The process of acquiring these materials and the manufacturing process can be traditional practices that are passed down from one generation to another. Because materials are unique to the location of different communities and cultures, by studying the types of materials, as well as animal remains found and the processes used to manipulate them, anthropologists and researchers can learn about the daily activities and lifestyles of the cultures they are studying. In what ways do you interact with your environment on a daily basis?

Prehistoric tools can be useful in helping archaeologists figure out when a site was occupied by humans. Scientists can determine how old tools are by dating the sediments or layers that tools are found in and by comparing the tool's shape, design, and type of material to other tools whose age is known. Some of the first tools were large multi-purpose tools called choppers and handaxes. These were large rocks that prehistoric humans flaked to create sharp edges and were probably used for several purposes. As time went on, tools became more specialized and refined to meet different needs. As people began to hunt different types of game, spear and projectile points that were sharp on both sides replaced choppers. Tools became thinner, lighter and eventually had serrated edges. For example, Clovis points became widespread in North America around 13,000 years ago; they were likely used to butcher mammoths, bison, and other large animals. Later in time, smaller, lighter Folsom points became more common. Over time, projectile points became razor sharp, more triangular in shape, and began to have stems to improve hafting onto a spear or arrow shaft. Later humans made tools from a variety of types of stones, bones, and other organic material.

The discipline of archaeology has changed dramatically since the time when average people were searching for strange or exotic objects. Today's archaeologists carefully excavate sites by recording the context and stratigraphic relationship of the objects they recover. Archaeologists are careful to take detailed notes during the entire process. When people continue to live in the same location for a long period of time, they build on the remains of those who lived there before, thus creating layers of remains that can be studied to learn how people lived and how they interacted with other groups. Excavation, however, is only part of the process of archaeology. Today the archaeologist may use techniques of the chemical or physical sciences to study materials used in the past and to determine where they were made and if they were brought into a site from somewhere else. Another approach is that of experimental archaeology where archaeologists attempt to recreate the objects of the past to understand the process by which the objects were made. Examples of experimental archaeology might be making tools (e.g., flintknapping) or by attempting to recreate some special type of pottery.