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Pegmatites are extremely coarse-grained intrusive igneous rocks, containing crystals that are both large (at least 5 cm or 2 inches across) and packed closely together. Pegmatites crystallize during the final stages of granite formation. The same silicate minerals that form granite - quartz, feldspar, and mica - generally make up the bulk of pegmatites, too, but the individual minerals in pegmatites can be many centimeters or even several meters in diameter. Some pegmatites also contain less common minerals, such as garnet, albite, lepidolite, beryl, and fluorite. Geologists and miners sometimes find beautiful, gemstone-quality crystals of topaz, beryl (aquamarine), rose quartz, smoky quartz, and other minerals within pegmatites.

Gemstones are minerals that are cut and polished to make beautiful "stones" for jewelry and other adornments. Humans traditionally consider diamonds, rubies, sapphires, and emeralds to be the four "precious" gemstones, with all other gemstones called "semiprecious." Many gems are transparent, meaning they allow some or most of the incident light to pass through them. To make a stone sparkle, gemcutters cut and polish the facets, or flat outer surfaces, of a gemstone to boost the number of times a light beam will reflect internally before leaving the stone and reaching the eye. Some semiprecious stones, such as malachite and lapis lazuli (a rock containing the mineral lazurite), are opaque to light; gemcutters polish them to a high gloss, without facets. This shiny, rounded type of gemstone is called a cabochon. Corundum (ruby or sapphire) specimens that contain tiny fibers of other minerals also may be cut into cabochons to create a luminous "star" effect on the stone's surface.